About Us

The Tri-Lakes Special Services Cooperative is dedicated to catering to the educational needs of children aged 3-5 who qualify for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The cooperative is committed to providing specialized educational and related services tailored to the unique requirements of each child with a disability within this age group.

One of the primary focuses of the Tri-Lakes Special Services Cooperative is the development and implementation of Individualized Education Plans (IEPs). An IEP is a personalized document that outlines specific educational goals, objectives, and strategies designed to meet the individual needs of a student with a disability. These plans are developed collaboratively by a team that typically includes parents, educators, special education professionals, and other relevant stakeholders.

The cooperative’s approach emphasizes a comprehensive and holistic educational experience. Special education services may encompass a range of interventions and support systems, including specialized instruction, assistive technology, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and other related services. The goal is to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment that addresses the unique challenges and strengths of each child.

The Tri-Lakes Special Services Cooperative recognizes the importance of early intervention and specialized support during the crucial developmental years of 3-5. By targeting specific areas outlined in the IEP, such as cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development, the cooperative aims to empower each child to reach their full potential and build a solid foundation for future academic success.

Through collaboration with families, educators, and community resources, the Tri-Lakes Special Services Cooperative strives to create a cohesive network of support for children with disabilities. By fostering a team-oriented approach, the cooperative works towards ensuring that each child receives the necessary tools and assistance to overcome challenges and thrive in their educational journey.

Our Mission

The mission of the Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Program at the Tri-Lakes Special Services Cooperative is underpinned by a commitment to delivering high-quality services that address the unique and individualized needs of each student. The program is dedicated to fostering an environment where every child, between the ages of 3-5, can thrive and reach their fullest potential.

Central to the success of the ECSE Program is the collaborative partnership between families and the dedicated staff. Recognizing that parents play a crucial role in their child’s development, the program actively involves families in the educational journey of their child. This collaborative approach ensures that there is a unified and cohesive support system in place, encompassing both the expertise of the program staff and the valuable insights and involvement of parents.

The goal is to empower children to become life-long learners, equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate future educational experiences successfully. The ECSE Program emphasizes the importance of early intervention, recognizing that the formative years of 3-5 are critical for laying the foundation for future academic and social success.

The individualized nature of the services provided through the ECSE Program is reflected in the development and implementation of each child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). This document serves as a roadmap for the child’s educational journey, outlining specific goals, strategies, and interventions tailored to their unique strengths and challenges. By addressing a spectrum of developmental areas, including cognitive, social, emotional, and physical aspects, the program aims to holistically support the child’s overall growth and learning.

Furthermore, the ECSE Program places a strong emphasis on creating an inclusive and nurturing learning environment. Through specialized instruction, therapeutic interventions, and the integration of assistive technologies, the program endeavors to create a setting where children feel supported, valued, and encouraged to explore their potential.

In essence, the mission of the Early Childhood Special Education Program at the Tri-Lakes Special Services Cooperative is not only to provide essential services but also to cultivate a collaborative and empowering community. By working together, families and staff contribute to the shared goal of helping each child realize their fullest potential, instilling a love for learning that extends well beyond their early years.